Vinyl Siding Repair Options

Vinyl Siding Repair Options

Vinyl siding is a versatile material that adds to your home’s appearance while giving it a layer of additional and robust protection. Whether it is heavy wind and rain, hail, or ice, your vinyl siding takes the brunt. Of course, this also means the vinyl is prone to damage. When you have cracks, chips, divots, or holes in the siding, it is time to schedule vinyl siding repair. Ensuring proper repair in a timely manner can save you future expenses.

To learn more or schedule siding repair services in St. Charles and the surrounding areas, contact the Schneider Roofing today. As a trusted local siding roofing company, we are proud to offer dependable and fast repair services for all types of siding and projects of all sizes.

Vinyl Siding Repair: What Are Your Options?

Fixing damaged vinyl siding quickly as soon as the damage occurs is very important. Left open, the gap in the siding can become an entry point for small animals and pests. It also lets moisture in that can lead to leaks or mold growth. Thankfully, vinyl siding repair is a simple task, and some of these repairs can be easy DIYs.

Vinyl Siding Repair in St. Charles

Here are the options to consider:

  • Vinyl siding repair for small holes and divots can be done with just a caulking gun. All you need is waterproof caulk aimed right at the hole. Once filled, smooth it out and then sand it when dry. Paint over, if needed.
  • Bigger holes or more severe damage will need patching to complete the siding repair. Cut out and remove the damaged portion. Then make your patch for the gap. Use extra vinyl siding stored away from your last home project so you have the same pattern and color match. If you don’t have it, remove a portion of the siding from a place that is not visible from the outside and use that to get a seamless finish. Replace the now empty portion with new vinyl siding. It is always advisable to put extra vinyl away when you are doing the siding anew for vinyl siding repair contingencies like these. This is a more complex task that needs to be completed with finesse. Calling in the professionals is a good idea. 
  • Sometimes a simple caulking or patch cannot get the vinyl siding repair job done when the damage is too severe. Then the entire panel has to be replaced with either an undamaged one from an invisible part of the house or a new one that matches the rest of the wall.

When to Call the Experts in

Except for very small cracks or holes that you can fill with your handy caulking gun, it is best to call in professionals to get your vinyl siding repair done. Once the professional takes a look at the damage, he can decide if the part can be patched up or if it needs to be replaced. Patching up a part that is too severely damaged can leave the portion vulnerable, allowing moisture to seep inside and cause extensive internal damage.

Contact Us for Quick and Affordable Vinyl Siding Repair in St. Charles

At Schneider Roofing and Remodeling, we carry out speedy vinyl siding repair with the best outcomes at the best price. We have handled siding and roofing repair and replacement projects for many homeowners in St. Charles and surrounding areas and earned a good reputation along the way. Call our roofing company today at (314) 378-6623 to get your vinyl siding repair done by experienced professionals.

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