Silicone Roof Coating: A Smart Investment for Long-Lasting Protection

When it comes to safeguarding your commercial or industrial building, the roof plays a crucial role in providing protection. However, keeping your commercial roof in optimal condition requires proper maintenance. Silicone roof coating can help your flat roofing hold up to extreme weather and the toughest challenges while providing a number of benefits.

To learn more about the benefits offered by silicone roof coatings or find out if a silicone roof coating is right for your building, contact Schneider Roofing Company today.

Silicone Roof Coating Application

What is Silicone Roof Coating?

Silicone roof coating is a flexible, liquid-applied membrane that forms a seamless and waterproof barrier over your existing flat roof surface. This is applied using special spray equipment.

This high-quality coating can fix cracks, seams, or blisters, making it an excellent choice for flat or low-slope roofs.

When Should You Use Silicone Coatings for your Flat Roof?

Silicone roof coatings are highly effective for buildings with potential ponding water issues and offer superior weather resistance compared to other roof coating applications. Silicone roof coatings can be used on most flat or low-sloped roofs, such as single-ply roofing, metal roofing, and modified bitumen roofing. However, for sloped roofs, silicone roof coatings are not ideal.

When it comes to application, professional application of silicone coatings is recommended to ensure a professional, durable, and leak resistant finish.

Benefits of Silicone Coatings

Here are the major benefits that silicone roof coating applications can provide:

  • Superior Waterproofing: Silicone roof coating provides unmatched waterproofing capabilities, effectively preventing water infiltration and protecting the underlying roofing materials from moisture-related damage.
  • UV Resistance & Energy Efficient: Silicone coatings reflectssunlight (up to 80-90%), reducing heat absorption, and ensuring optimal UV protection. This also reduces cooling costs, improving building efficiency.
  • Flexibility and Durability: The flexible nature of silicone allows it to expand and contract with temperature changes, minimizing the risk of cracking and enhancing its longevity.
  • Ease of Application: Silicone roof coatings can be applied with minimal disruption and in a short amount of time, reducing labor costs and downtime for businesses.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By extending the life of your existing roof, silicone coatings eliminate the need for frequent repairs or costly roof replacements.
  • Minimal Disruption: The ease and speed of silicone coating application minimizes disruptions to business operations during installation.

Silicone Roof Coating Services

Contact Our Silicone Roof Coating Experts in St. Charles, MO

In today’s market, various roof coating options are available, but their quality and effectiveness can vary significantly. At Schneider Roofing and Remodeling, we take pride in offering top-notch and trusted options, such as silicone and acrylic coatings, known for their exceptional quality and performance. We utilize only the best products and provide professional application, ensuring your roof will provide dependable performance for years to come.

For more information on our commercial flat roof coating services or to schedule a free consultation, contact us today!