Ten Things Every Homeowner Should Know

things homeowners should know

1. Water Shut-off Valve Location: Know the location of the water shut-off for the whole house. Most sinks and toilets have a shut-off valve under the fixture but knowing how to kill the flow throughout the home is imperative if needed in an emergency. If a leak pops up, shutting off the flow will limit the amount of damage, repair costs, and headaches. 2. Gas Shut-off Valve Location: Same issue as the water valve but with greater emphasis toward safety.

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Your Summer Storm Reminder


It’s definitely not pleasant to think of, but it’s a reality in life that all homeowners must face during these summer months. These are some of the most active storm months. Storms can mean “bad news” for your roof! You might be faced with leaks, missing shingles, or some other type of damage. If that’s the case, please, be sure to call us! Areas that are hit by large storms are often the first targeted by storm chasers. You’ve likely

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Buyer Beware

BBB warning

When hiring a service contractor to do work in your home, it is so important that you hire a quality and reliable company.  The Better Business Bureau issued a warning in the St. Louis area last year for a roofing contractor who pleaded guilty in Arizona to several charges, and on that very same day he established a business here in Missouri.  There are numerous complaints about his work here and several homeowners have found themselves in a bind with

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Seven Signs That You May Need A New Roof

Seven Signs

Before realizing that they need a new roof, too many people wait until their roof has a horrible leak with water flooding into their home. It’s a shame, as it can cause extensive, expensive damage—and certain things, like valuables or pictures, can’t be replaced if contacted by water. Instead of waiting for a nasty leak to give you a sign that you need a new roof, here are some less destructive signs: 1. Roof age – How old is your

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Flashing Tips


Flashing is usually aluminum or galvanized steel that’s used over joints in a roof and wall construction to prevent water seeping in and causing damage. Depending on the style of your home’s roof, you probably have it in the valleys, around the chimney and pipes, and around any dormer windows or skylights. Most damage shows up either in flashing that’s deteriorating due to weathering and oxidizing, or in flashing that has come loose. If your flashing needs repairs, consider giving

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Five Financial Benefits of Spring Cleaning

spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is something thousands of households across the country participate in. During the chilly winter months, it’s easy for dust and clutter to overwhelm your home and sanity.  This year, you can combine your spring-cleaning strategies with your big-picture financial objectives. Here are five ways that spring cleaning can help you save some big money. ​ 1.Reduce taxes. Have piles of clothes that you’re planning on ditching? Well, when you drop off your old sweatpants and T-shirts at your local

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Only Two Hours of Your Time

roof inspection

Consider for a moment what you spend a couple of hours doing: two hours watching a movie, more than a few hours going to a sporting event with the family, a couple hours window shopping at the mall, etc. If you’re like a lot people these days, you spend two hours surfing the Web! These are all activities that most people don’t think twice about spending a few hours doing.    Keeping that in mind, wouldn’t you be willing to

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It’s Tornado Time: Is Your Homeowner’s Insurance Up To Par?

Tornado hitting a house

With tornado season right around the corner, a question you might want to ask yourself is, “Does my homeowners insurance cover all tornado related damage?” The answer is NO.  While the image of a tornado striking a residential home may be of a swirling wind tunnel ripping off a roof, tornadoes can cause all sorts of damage to your property – from water damage to uprooted trees.  So What Is and Isn’t Covered?  What’s important for homeowners to be aware of

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Are Gas Prices Rising Again??

rising fuel costs

Here are 10 ways to lessen the impact of increased gas prices: 1. Condense your small trips.  Try to plan your day so that you can accomplish everything in one trip rather than several smaller ones. 2. Minimize your idle time.  Any time you’re stopped at a light for more than 10 seconds, you’re better off stopping your engine and then restarting it. You’ll save more gas! 3. Accelerate from stops at a slow and steady pace.  Quick, rapid acceleration

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Is It Time To Replace Those Old Gutters?


You can count on your roof to keep you warm and dry from the elements. And it does a good job. However, unless you have good gutters, your home can still fall victim to Mother Nature! Gutters are the unsung hero of your roofing system. They direct the gallons of rainwater and other precipitation that fall on your home every year away from your foundation. If you have aging gutters and notice that they’re beginning to break and not work

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