Storm and Hail Damage Repair in St. Charles

St. Charles Hail Damage RepairHail is known for its destructive power, but strong winds, tornadoes, and heavy snow and ice can be just as destructive to your home, shingles, and siding. When these problems occur, it is important to call a hail damage repair company as quickly as possible to address the problems. In St. Charles and throughout the St. Louis area, our roofing company can help when even the worst storms strike. To learn more or to have our experts assess your home, contact us today online or by phone at 314-378-6623.

Why It is Important to Deal with Hail Damage Repairs Promptly

Hailstones do not have to be huge to cause severe damage to your roof. In fact, hail that is less than ¾ of an inch in size (approximately the diameter of a penny) can cause substantial damage, which may not even be immediately apparent. If you suspect damage, you should not wait until your roof starts leaking to call for help. Instead, it is important to have a certified roofing contractor come out and perform a roof inspection as soon as possible. Delaying can be counterproductive because if you wait too long, the window in which you are able to file a hail damage repair claim with your insurance company may close, leaving you to pay any repair bills.

Occasionally homeowners will attempt emergency hail damage repairs on their own, but we strongly advise against this. Not only can roof conditions be hazardous after a big storm, but any interference by someone other than a licensed roofing contractor can void your homeowners insurance and/or your roof’s manufacturer’s warranty. One cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of having your potential hail damage repair needs evaluated by a professional.

Roof Hail Damage Repair & More

Storm & Hail Damage Repair in St. CharlesWhile roofs and shingles are most often in need of hail damage repair, the damage is not necessarily just to the areas that you can see. Un-repaired shingle damage can allow for seepage that overtime causes damage to insulation, wall staining, and even flooding – all before you ever notice that there is a leak. Siding and gutters can also be severely damaged during hail storms, particularly if the storm is accompanied by gusty winds. Vinyl siding, though typically sturdy, is vulnerable, and hail damage repairs may be required if you notice cracked or chipped panels or even holes.

Do Not Discount the Risk of Wind Damage to Your Home

Storm and Hail Damage Repair - Roofing & SidingA severe wind storm – even if there is not any hail – can also cause serious damage to your home, potentially resulting in the need for both shingle and vinyl siding repair. Though roofs are designed to withstand normal storm conditions, extreme wind speeds (including both straight-line winds and tornados) can cause real harm. Edges and corners are particularly vulnerable, as the changing winds can cause the pressures to alternate between negative and positive suction forces on the shingles and siding panels. Gradually, the push and pull of these forces can loosen and even strip shingles, panels, and underlying membranes away from their supports, causing the roof and siding to peel away from the house.

This sort of storm damage is often cumulative, and the sooner the problem is addressed, the more effective and economical the solution will be. This is particularly true of vinyl siding repair, as a panel that has come loose can usually be re-affixed to a home with minimal effort. However, if left untended, it will bend and warp, possibly even necessitating a full replacement.

Storm & Roof Damage Repair Guides

Learn More About Storm & Hail Damage & Repair

Contact Us for Your Storm or Hail Damage Repairs in St. Charles

If you are concerned that your roof or siding is in need of storm or hail damage repair, please contact us today. Our 20-Point Roof Inspection will quickly identify any needed repairs and can be submitted to your insurance company in order to start getting your home back in shape, no matter how severe the storm damage. Contact our roofing company today to learn more!