Extend the Life of Your Roof

Roof VentilationYou count on your roof to protect your family from the nasty weather, and it seems to be doing its job…. After all, you don’t notice any leaks! What you may not realize is your roof is prematurely aging. The roof you expected to last several years may be withering away… and you just haven’t noticed it yet. In fact, your roof’s lifespan could be cut in half!

In the fall and winter months, the temperatures outside begin to drop, and so does the temperature inside your attic. At some point, it will get cold enough that you’ll turn on your furnace. The warm air from your furnace will rise from your home into your attic. When it hits the cold attic air, it forms moisture. If your attic is properly ventilated, moisture isn’t a problem. The natural flow of air through your vents will quickly dry it. However, if your home is one of the 90% that aren’t ventilated properly, moisture can’t dry! Instead, it sits and festers in your attic. The moisture can attract insects like termites. Eventually, the moisture will cause your roof to rot! Before you know it, you may need to replace your roof that’s only five or six years old! But this premature-aging process isn’t the only thing your roof might be suffering from….

Moisture in an attic is an absolute breeding ground for mold. If you have an asthma or allergy sufferer in your household, they could experience severe agitation from this mold growth. In fact, maybe they’ve been enduring this for years—this could definitely be the case if you have an older roof and you have NOT had your roof inspected in a long time.

Experts recommend homeowners have their roofs inspected at least once annually. It’s the best way to avoid any large problems from developing—by eliminating potential issues immediately. Give Schneider Roofing and Remodeling a call today at 314-378-6623 for an inspection today! Don’t hesitate and let your roof waste away, or worse, become a breeding ground for mold.

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